Create Stunning - Professional RFP’S, RFQ’S and Grant Proposals

You just finished all your research, organizing data and statistics – you are ready to celebrate that your RFP or Grant Proposal will make it to the shortlist of finalists!

……..Then you suddenly remember the RFP or Grant Proposal Presentation??

If the thought of it makes your mind race and your stomach drop; you are not alone…. I have been there myself, with many sleepless nights.

So how can you impress all stakeholders?

Well, let me tell you: it is not only about the content in your Grant Proposals or RFP’s Proposals, but also about the Presentation! Yes, the RFP or Grant Proposal Presentation.

Grant Precise, has the tools, that will give to your proposal: precision, a polished design, an organized and consistent look; even ready for a live Finalist Presentation, either in person or online. So keep in mind that a poor presentation could blow the lead.

What are they looking to learn from your proposal?

The Grant or RFP process is designed to help, stakeholders, select the right partner. They want to know how well your key players communicate, all about your experience and expertise; does your company or not-for-profit organization, values the same things as all the involved stakeholders. They want to know all about your commitment and passion, are you prepared and enthusiastic?

So regardless, an RFP or a Grant Proposal Presentation is key to making a human connection.

  • Why is your company or not-for-profit organization, interested in working with them?

  • What is your biggest differentiator? Why are you better than the competition or another not-for-profit organization?

  • How will you provide superior service and ensure you meet goals?

  • What previous experience do you have with a similar project or company? What did you most enjoy about that project?

  • What will you need from them to be successful?

  • What process is in place to resolve challenges?

  • How do you determine success?

When it comes to the RFP or Grant Proposal Presentation; it’s important to remember that the end is in sight. With the right preparation, you will be well on your way to winning the business or grant money.

Grant Precise, can simplify your company or organization, way to create Professional Presentations, which can be published and distributed in print or online. Our InDesign work is especially useful for documents containing multiple pages, layouts that combine text and images, and those containing significant amounts of text. We can help you create documents that are graphically rich with highly designed layouts combining texts and graphics. We will be happy to assist with Presentations, newsletters, and other documents, with complex layout needs, that go beyond the capabilities of standard word processing tools.

A Professional Presentation makes it easier to engage your audience. Striking images can hold an audience's attention. The theatrical nature of a presentation creates a greater impact than an individual from your staff, or a volunteer member of your organization, trying to make the same point by working extra hours on a regular word processor.

A professional InDesign presentation, done by Grant Precise, will ensure a level of engagement, which gets your message across to the audience. Engagement is partially dependent on your research, expertise, and new ideas; but it also depends on the way you present the above; so, make sure to stress, the importance of Professional Presentations, to get the best results.


RFP or Request for Proposal - FREE DOWNLOAD


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